Module Request

module Request: sig .. end
The request is actually the file abstraction in liquidsoap, used whenever possible.

type metadata = (string, string) Hashtbl.t 
type indicator 
An indicator is a resource location (URI), when meaningful, it can be declared as temporary if liquidsoap should destroy it after usage (this means deleting a local file).
val indicator : ?metadata:metadata -> ?temporary:bool -> string -> indicator
type t 
Type of requests, which are devices for obtaining a local file from an URI.
val create : kind:Frame.content_kind ->
?metadata:(string * string) list ->
?persistent:bool -> ?indicators:indicator list -> string -> t
For media requests, resolving includes testing that the file can actually be decoded into a stream of the expected kind.
val create_raw : ?metadata:(string * string) list ->
?persistent:bool -> ?indicators:indicator list -> string -> t
val kind : t -> Frame.content_kind option
Return the kind of a media request, None for raw requests.
val destroy : ?force:bool -> t -> unit
Destroying of a requests causes its file to be deleted if it's a temporary one, for example a downloaded file. If the metadata "persistent" is set to "true", destroying doesn't happen, unless force is set too. Persistent sources are useful for static URIs (see below for the definition of staticity, and in src/sources/ for an example of use).

General management

val clean : unit -> unit
Called at exit, for cleaning temporary files and destroying all the requests, even persistent ones.

Every request has an ID, and you can find a request from its ID.
val get_id : t -> int
val from_id : int -> t option

Get the list of requests that are currently alive/on air/being resolved.
val all_requests : unit -> int list
val alive_requests : unit -> int list
val on_air_requests : unit -> int list
val resolving_requests : unit -> int list


Resolving consists in many steps. Every step consist in rewriting the first URI into other URIs. The process ends when the first URI is a local filename. For example, the initial URI can be a database query, which is then turned into a list of remote locations, which are then tentatively downloaded... At each step protocol.resolve first_uri timeout is called, and the function is expected to push the new URIs in the request.

type protocol = {
   resolve : string -> log:(string -> unit) -> float -> indicator list;
   static : bool;

val is_static : string -> bool option
A static request r is such that every resolving leads to the same file. Sometimes, it allows removing useless destroy/create/resolve.

type resolve_flag =
| Resolved
| Failed
| Timeout
Resolving can fail because an URI is invalid, or doesn't refer to a valid audio file, or simply because there was no enough time left.
val resolve : t -> float -> resolve_flag
resolve request timeout tries to resolve the request within timeout seconds. If resolving succeeds, is_ready request is true and you can get a filename.
val is_ready : t -> bool
is_ready r if there's an available local filename. It can be true even if the resolving hasn't been run, if the initial URI was already a local filename.
val get_filename : t -> string option
Return a valid local filename if there is one, which means that the request is ready.

URI manipulation

For protocol plugins.
val pop_indicator : t -> unit
Removes the top URI, possibly destroys the associated file.
val peek_indicator : t -> string
Return the top URI, without removing it.
val push_indicators : t -> indicator list -> unit
In most of the case you don't peek or pop any URI, you just push the new URIs you computed from first_uri.


val string_of_metadata : metadata -> string
val short_string_of_metadata : metadata -> string
val set_metadata : t -> string -> string -> unit
val get_metadata : t -> string -> string option
val set_root_metadata : t -> string -> string -> unit
val get_root_metadata : t -> string -> string option
val get_all_metadata : t -> metadata


Every request has a separate log in which its history can be written.
type log = (tm * string) Queue.t 
val string_of_log : log -> string
val add_log : t -> string -> unit
val get_log : t -> log

Media operations

These operations are only meaningful for media requests, and might crash otherwise.
val on_air : t -> unit
Indicate that a request is currently being streamed.
val is_on_air : t -> bool
Query whether a request is currently being streamed.
val duration : string -> float
duration filename computes the duration of audio data contained in filename. The computation may be expensive.
Raises Not_found if no duration computation method is found.
val get_decoder : t -> Decoder.file_decoder option
Return a decoder if the file has been resolved, guaranteed to have available data to deliver.


Respectively for computing duration, resolving metadata, and resolving URIs. Metadata filling isn't included in Decoder because we want it to occur immediately after request resolution.
val dresolvers : (string -> float) Plug.plug
val mresolvers : (string -> (string * string) list) Plug.plug
val protocols : protocol Plug.plug