Module Server

module Server: sig .. end
Where the server commands are registered, and the server interfaces are created and controlled.

Configuration parameters

val conf : Dtools.Conf.ut
The configuration of the server.
val conf_socket : bool Dtools.Conf.t
Should a socket server be created?
val conf_socket_path : string Dtools.Conf.t
Path of the socket.
val conf_socket_perms : int Dtools.Conf.t
Permissions of the socket. *
val conf_telnet : bool Dtools.Conf.t
Should a telnet server be created?
val conf_telnet_bind_addr : string Dtools.Conf.t
Address of the telnet server.
val conf_telnet_port : int Dtools.Conf.t
Port of the telnet server.

Commands of the server

type namespace = string list 
Namespaces are used to avoid name conflicts. Any entity which wants to add commands to the server should first get a new unique namespace, in which the commands will be added.
val to_string : namespace -> string
Get a string representation of a namespace.
val register : namespace -> string -> namespace
register hint kind creates a new namespace and registers it. If hint is not used, it will be used as the new namespace. Otherwise, some numeral suffix will be appended to it in order to distinguish it. The kind is meant to provide information about what kind of namespace this is. In liquidsoap, it tells which kind of operator owns the namespace, and hence which commands should be expected in it.
val unregister : namespace -> unit
Release a namespace, deleting all associated commands.
val add : ns:namespace ->
?usage:string -> descr:string -> string -> (string -> string) -> unit
add ~ns ~descr command f adds a new command command in a given namespace ~ns. When the command is called, the function f is executed with the argument of the command as parameter. The return value of f is then displayed. ~descr is the command description.
val remove : ns:namespace -> string -> unit
Remove a command from the server.
val exec : string -> string
exec command executes the command, returns its result.
Raises Not_found if the command does not exist.