Module Wav

module Wav: sig .. end
Encode/decode WAV files.

type 'a t 
exception Not_a_wav_file of string

type 'a read_ops = {
   really_input : 'a -> string -> int -> int -> unit;
   input_byte : 'a -> int;
   input : 'a -> string -> int -> int -> int;
   close : 'a -> unit;
val in_chan_ops : Pervasives.in_channel read_ops
val fopen : string -> Pervasives.in_channel t
Open the named wav for reading, and return a new wav descriptor. Raise Sys_error if the file could not be opened and Not_a_wav_file if it hasn't the right format.
val read_header : 'a read_ops -> 'a -> 'a t
Generic WAV opener.
val in_chan_read_header : Pervasives.in_channel -> Pervasives.in_channel t
Read WAV data from an input channel.
val sample : 'a t -> string -> int -> int -> int
sample w buf pos len reads up to len characters from the given wav w, storing them in string buf, starting at character number pos. It returns the actual number of characters read, between 0 and len (inclusive). A return value of 0 means that the end of file was reached. A return value between 0 and len exclusive means that not all requested len characters were read, either because no more characters were available at that time, or because the implementation found it convenient to do a partial read; sample must be called again to read the remaining characters, if desired. Exception Invalid_argument "input" is raised if pos and len do not designate a valid substring of buf.
val info : 'a t -> string
info w returns a string containing some informations on wav w
val channels : 'a t -> int
Parameters of the output PCM format.
val sample_rate : 'a t -> int
val sample_size : 'a t -> int
val data_length : 'a t -> int
val close : 'a t -> unit
close w close the wav descriptor w
val header : ?len:int ->
channels:int -> sample_rate:int -> sample_size:int -> unit -> string
Returns the WAV header that declares the given format. The lengths of file and data are set to their maximum possible value.
val duration : 'a t -> float
Returns the duration of the WAV data. Warning: value may not be accurate for streams.