module Taglib:sig
All strings used in this module should be UTF8-encoded.
Taglib provides a set/get interface for several audio file format's tags informations.
All strings used in this module should be UTF8-encoded.
type 'a
val version : string
val tag_title : 'a t -> string
val tag_artist : 'a t -> string
val tag_album : 'a t -> string
val tag_comment : 'a t -> string
val tag_genre : 'a t -> string
val tag_year : 'a t -> int
val tag_track : 'a t -> int
val tag_set_title : 'a t -> string -> unit
val tag_set_artist : 'a t -> string -> unit
val tag_set_album : 'a t -> string -> unit
val tag_set_comment : 'a t -> string -> unit
val tag_set_genre : 'a t -> string -> unit
val tag_set_year : 'a t -> int -> unit
val tag_set_track : 'a t -> int -> unit
module File:sig
module Inline:sig
file_type =
| |
Mpeg |
| |
OggVorbis |
| |
Flac |
| |
Mpc |
| |
OggFlac |
| |
WavPack |
| |
Speex |
| |
TrueAudio |
| |
Mp4 |
| |
Asf |
exception Closed
exception Not_implemented
val set_strings_unicode : bool -> unit
val open_file : ?file_type:file_type ->
string -> File.file_type File.file
val audioproperties_length : File.file_type File.file -> int
val audioproperties_bitrate : File.file_type File.file -> int
val audioproperties_samplerate : File.file_type File.file -> int
val audioproperties_channels : File.file_type File.file -> int
val close_file : File.file_type File.file -> unit
val file_save : File.file_type File.file -> bool